Sunday 19 March 2017

Where have I been?

Hello everyone! As you may have noticed I haven't really posted at all this year, which I know is really bad. I would like to say I have my reason, but lets be honest I don't. I have had the time, I have just forgotten about it, had zero inspiration and just haven't felt like writing any posts. So when I say I am coming back, I mean it this time, I just need to figure out what I am going to write about.
Sorry about the fact that this has probably been the shortest post I have ever written, but I felt like I needed to explain, and not just come straight back in with a post and no explanation.
Anyways, let me know what you would like to see in the future, and I will hopefully have a blog post up at some point next week.
Bye!:) xx

Friday 13 January 2017

2016 Favourites!

Hello everybody! Today I am going to be doing my 2016 favourites, surprisingly there isn't actually that much in this, not as much as I thought there would be. I know this is fairly late, but I didn't want to do it too early, as I needed to figure out what was worth putting in and what wasn't worth it, anyways, let's get started!

The first thing I loved in 2016 was my converse. I feel like I talk about shoes way too much, but I am obsessed, and don't really care, I had the white high tops and now have some rose gold and white ones, and I love them. Reason being, you can wear converse with literally anything, there isn't one outfit that doesn't go with converse. Some days, I'll put something on and think what the heck can I wear with this, always turn to my converse, plus they are the comfiest things ever.

The second thing I have been loving is the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer, I feel like people rave about this concealer, I always thought it was another one of them over rated products, that in actual fact is terrible. Turns out, it's honestly the best thing I've ever bought, there's nothing that can't be covered with this, spots, under eye bags, and my bags are incredibly dark, mainly because I can't sleep. For £3/4 I can't remember, I love it.

The next thing I loved (and still do love!) are my straighteners. They are from Remington and I love them, considering they were around £20, they do a really good job, and are meant to protect your hair from heat more than a normal pair. I genuinely don't know what I would do without these because they literally make my hair feel so much nicer.

Possibly the last 2016 favourite, is all my friends, I know this sounds really cringy, but it is true. I don't think I would've been able to get through 2016 with my friends, especially my class, who mean the world to me. Also, all the friends I have made on the internet. I don't know what I would've done without you all and thanks for making 2016 great x

I hope you enjoyed this! I know some favourites got a bit deep and meaningful but hey!

Bye! xx

Wednesday 4 January 2017

New Years Resolutions!

Hello everybody! I feel like I haven't put up a post for ages, mainly because I haven't, these last 2 months have been crazy! School's been...stressful, and my life was a bit of mess, but I'm going to try my best to get a post up every week!
Today I am going to talk you through some of my new years resolutions, I know this is a bit late, but oh well, it's better late then never ;)

1.Eat healthier.
I feel like everybody says these, I've said it every year I can remember, but this year, I actually want to try and do it, over the past few months I've been eating the worst food I could be, so I want to cut out food that I know is not going to do me any favours.

2. Step out of my Comfort Zone
Last year I definitely realised what I didn't like doing, or what I didn't want to do, this year I want to do things that I would never normally do, even little things like going out with my friends more often, or just wearing different clothes to what I would normally wear. I may feel incredibly unconfident at first, but I want to work on becoming able to feel comfortable in whatever I do.

3.Gain more confidence
I have absolutely no confidence, I want to become more confident as a person. Be able to step out of the house with no makeup on and not feel the need to go and put any on, Be able to stand in front of anyone and talk about things.

4. Be a better person in general
I'm not saying I'm a terrible person, but I could definitely improve, sometimes I say things without thinking, meaning that I've probably upset someone. I also need to be more positive about life. I stress out over the littlest things, get myself worked up, meaning that I'm probably going to
end up crying over nothing.

5. Be me
I feel like because it's a new year, people feel the need to change. Guess what, you don't, just because it's a fresh start doesn't mean you need to change, I don't plan on changing any time soon because it isn't 2016 anymore, if you are happy with yourself, don't worry about changing, if people love you for who you are, why change?

I hope you enjoyed this post, I feel like in some aspects of it, I got very deep which is not like me at all, but still, I hope you gained something from this.
Hopefully there will be another post next week but we will just have to see what happens...
Bye! xx

Sunday 18 September 2016

TMI Tag!

Hey, welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be doing the TMI Tag!

1.What are you wearing?
Well I am sat in bed writing this, so currently my pyjamas.

2.Ever been in love?
I've fancied people but I have never properly been in love with them.

3.Ever had a terrible breakup?

4. How tall are you?
I don't actually know.

5.How much do you weigh?
I want to say about 8/9 stone?

6.Any tattoos?
No, I am too young.

7. Any piercings?
No, I'm too scared, I hate pain.


9.Favourite Show?
Don't really have one tbh.

10. Favourite Bands?
Panic at the Disco, The Vamps, One Direction (If that still counts)

11.Something you miss?
How close me and my friends were in primary school.

12. Favourite Song?
9 in the afternoon.

13.How old are you?
I am 13.

14.Zodiac Sign?

15.Quality you look for in a partner?
Be like Joe Sugg and you'll be perfect.

16.Favourite Quote?
Live each day as if it is your last.

17.Favoutite Actor?
Don't know.

18.Favourite Colour?
Mint Green and Burgendy

19.Loud Music or soft?
Depends how I feel.

20. Where do you go when you're sad?
Away from everyone, my bedroom.

There was 50 questions to do and I wasn't doing all 50, so maybe at one point I will do a part 2 and answer the rest let me know!
I hope you enjoyed!
See you soon!
Charlotte x

Sunday 4 September 2016

Back To School Tag!

Hey welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be doing the Back to School Tag, I have seen this going around recently so I thought I would give it a go, lets get started!

1. What year are you going into?
I am going into Year 9.

2. What are you excited/nervous for this year?
I am excited for a new school year, nervous for choosing my GCSE options.

3.Whats your favourite part of getting ready for back to school?
Buying new supplies, it makes me want to do my work with all my new things.

4.What year were you in when you started wearing makeup to school?
Start/middle of year 8.

5. Where or from whom do you like getting inspiration for back to school trends & styles?
Normally Youtube or my friends, sometimes I don't really follow them though.

6.Where do you like to go shopping for BTS Supplies?
WHSmith, Tesco, anywhere that sells nice supplies really.

7. Backpack or Tote Bag?
Backpack, I find them loads easier.

8. 3 non Beauty Essesntials?
Earphones, Chewing Gum, Money.

9. 3 Beauty Essentials
Concealer, Lip Balm, Hand Cream.

10. Go to hairstyle?
Pony tail.

That's it! I found this of someone else's blog so I take NO credit for this! I didn't use all the questions and I put some questions in my own words.
This is going to be my last post for a while as school starts in a few days and I can tell you that I am not going to have much time, so I can't say that I will see you next week as I don't know whether I will.

Anyways I will see you soon (Hopefully)!

Twitter: @charlotteldoddx

Bye! xxx

Tuesday 30 August 2016

What's in My School Bag?

Hey, welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to let you know what I keep in my school bag, so lets get started!

1. My Pencil Case
I need this. I have 2, one for normal things like pen pencils, you get the jist, the 2nd one for my Sharpies and Highlighters etc, I just hate having a over crowded pencil case, it is very stressful ok.

2. My Planner
My school normally supply us with a planner each year, I lost mine in Year 7 and I cried about it for a good day, as I was worried I would forget about all my homework and get loads of detentions, turned out we didn't have much homework, try not to loose you planner!

3. Makeup (Bag)
Not just for makeup, but for other girly things because you never know, TMI but I don't care to be honest, lol. I just find that sometimes a bag with hand sanitizer, concealer, and hand cream is something I need, and a spray, something that makes you smell nice, I sweat so bad at school and then think I stink, don't be like me.

4. A4 Folder
I like to keep one of these for homework because I hate getting homework sheets creased up or lost, like I do. It keeps it all in one place and it is just so helpful.

5. Earphones
Although my school have banned phones, when I walk home, I like to have them, I might not even use them, but I like knowing that I have them just incase, you never know.

6. Money
I never normally keep money in my bag, but I do most of the time as sometimes I like to walk down to the shop after school and buy food because school makes me hungry, so it's always handy to have!

To be honest my school bag is very standard but, hey ho, it is fine for me, so that's ok!
I hope you enjoyed, if you did let me know on my twitter @charlotteldoddx and I will see it!

Sorry there wasn't a blog post on Wednesday, I completely forgot about it, until I looked at the time and realised my post was to go up 20 minutes ago! Oops!

Twitter - @charlotteldoddx

See you next week!

Bye! xx

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Back to School Tips!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog, today we are going to be talking about school, (well I am anyways).
I have another 3 weeks off yet, but that doesn't mean I am not prepared for school, because let me tell you, I definitely am! Anyways here are some of my tips and tricks for going back to school!

1. Don't be that annoying person that comes into school, with no stationary whatsoever, I hate these people, that literally think I am going to give you a pen, like no. Because chances are you're not going to get that pen back, if you are one of them people, get supplies! Basically what you should take from this is don't be that annoying no supplies person.

2. Don't stress, the one thing that I need to learn not to do, I am the most stressy person ever, anything goes wrong at school, I will literally make it into a bigger situation that it is, when in reality it isn't, so try your best and not stress, this is coming from someone that is basically a stress head, but yeah. lol

3. Don't care about what anyone else thinks, especially if you're in high school, it is one of the places that you are most likely going to get judged, it isn't easy to feel confident at first, but you know what, who cares what bag you have or how short your hair is? You may not feel confident about it first and you may get judged, get weird looks, or get spoken about, but people will get over it, they're clearly jealous and lets be honest, if you're not confident in high school, then people will continuously think it's ok to be unkind to you.

4. Relax, don't constantly feel on edge, it's ok to get an answer wrong, if you've left something at home, it isn't the end of the world, you can fix it, tell you're teacher, unless you're like me and make up an excuse, which you shouldn't do! Because it doesn't get you anywhere....

5. Enjoy school! It sounds the most stupid thing ever, but just enjoy it! I can guarantee when you leave school, you will say to someone how much you want to go back to your school days and how you wished you enjoyed them, you only get school once, don't not enjoy it, because you will regret it, trust me on this one.

Anyways, I hope at least you took one of these tips into consideration and try and go by them! If none of them have helped you , I'm sorry! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Also posts many not be as frequent as I have a lot going on at the minute, so one week you could have a post Wednesday and then the next week you could have one on Saturday, it all depends.

Social Medias:
Twitter: @charlotteldoddx
Snapchat: It's coming, don't worry! (That's not my username btw!)

See you next week, bye! x