Tuesday 30 August 2016

What's in My School Bag?

Hey, welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to let you know what I keep in my school bag, so lets get started!

1. My Pencil Case
I need this. I have 2, one for normal things like pen pencils, you get the jist, the 2nd one for my Sharpies and Highlighters etc, I just hate having a over crowded pencil case, it is very stressful ok.

2. My Planner
My school normally supply us with a planner each year, I lost mine in Year 7 and I cried about it for a good day, as I was worried I would forget about all my homework and get loads of detentions, turned out we didn't have much homework, try not to loose you planner!

3. Makeup (Bag)
Not just for makeup, but for other girly things because you never know, TMI but I don't care to be honest, lol. I just find that sometimes a bag with hand sanitizer, concealer, and hand cream is something I need, and a spray, something that makes you smell nice, I sweat so bad at school and then think I stink, don't be like me.

4. A4 Folder
I like to keep one of these for homework because I hate getting homework sheets creased up or lost, like I do. It keeps it all in one place and it is just so helpful.

5. Earphones
Although my school have banned phones, when I walk home, I like to have them, I might not even use them, but I like knowing that I have them just incase, you never know.

6. Money
I never normally keep money in my bag, but I do most of the time as sometimes I like to walk down to the shop after school and buy food because school makes me hungry, so it's always handy to have!

To be honest my school bag is very standard but, hey ho, it is fine for me, so that's ok!
I hope you enjoyed, if you did let me know on my twitter @charlotteldoddx and I will see it!

Sorry there wasn't a blog post on Wednesday, I completely forgot about it, until I looked at the time and realised my post was to go up 20 minutes ago! Oops!

Twitter - @charlotteldoddx

See you next week!

Bye! xx

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Back to School Tips!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog, today we are going to be talking about school, (well I am anyways).
I have another 3 weeks off yet, but that doesn't mean I am not prepared for school, because let me tell you, I definitely am! Anyways here are some of my tips and tricks for going back to school!

1. Don't be that annoying person that comes into school, with no stationary whatsoever, I hate these people, that literally think I am going to give you a pen, like no. Because chances are you're not going to get that pen back, if you are one of them people, get supplies! Basically what you should take from this is don't be that annoying no supplies person.

2. Don't stress, the one thing that I need to learn not to do, I am the most stressy person ever, anything goes wrong at school, I will literally make it into a bigger situation that it is, when in reality it isn't, so try your best and not stress, this is coming from someone that is basically a stress head, but yeah. lol

3. Don't care about what anyone else thinks, especially if you're in high school, it is one of the places that you are most likely going to get judged, it isn't easy to feel confident at first, but you know what, who cares what bag you have or how short your hair is? You may not feel confident about it first and you may get judged, get weird looks, or get spoken about, but people will get over it, they're clearly jealous and lets be honest, if you're not confident in high school, then people will continuously think it's ok to be unkind to you.

4. Relax, don't constantly feel on edge, it's ok to get an answer wrong, if you've left something at home, it isn't the end of the world, you can fix it, tell you're teacher, unless you're like me and make up an excuse, which you shouldn't do! Because it doesn't get you anywhere....

5. Enjoy school! It sounds the most stupid thing ever, but just enjoy it! I can guarantee when you leave school, you will say to someone how much you want to go back to your school days and how you wished you enjoyed them, you only get school once, don't not enjoy it, because you will regret it, trust me on this one.

Anyways, I hope at least you took one of these tips into consideration and try and go by them! If none of them have helped you , I'm sorry! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Also posts many not be as frequent as I have a lot going on at the minute, so one week you could have a post Wednesday and then the next week you could have one on Saturday, it all depends.

Social Medias:
Twitter: @charlotteldoddx
Snapchat: It's coming, don't worry! (That's not my username btw!)

See you next week, bye! x

Wednesday 10 August 2016

July Favourites!

Hey, welcome back! This week's post is my July Favourites, I posted a poll on Twitter asking what you wanted to see this week and more of you wanted to see this, so here it is!

1. My Adidas Superstars:
I love these shoes, I was away in Devon walking most places and they have been the most comfortable shoes ever! (Not just saying that, they genuinely are),  I personally also think they are worth their value, mine were £48 and I think that it is quite affordable for a pair of shoes that are this good.

2. Tangle Teezer:
It sounds weird putting this in a favourites, but it has been one of my fav things this month so why not?
I recently bought one and I LOVE it, I hate combs that pull your hair out, or just hurt, I have had many combs/brushes, in the past that have made me hate brushing my hair, as they hurt so much, it is now even one of my school essentials, I definitely recommend buying one, mine was £10, which I thought was quite a lot, but now I would happily buy another for that amount.

3.  VO5 Heat Protectant:
Again, it sounds weird putting it in a favourites, but honestly, I love it, when had my hair ombred, in June, I had it straightened, and ever since I have wanted it straight, as heat damages your hair, a good heat protectant is vital, for me anyways. When I get out of the shower, the first thing I normally do is make sure I spray it evenly all over my hair so it's all protected. The best thing is, it doesn't even cost a lot, I think it costs like £3.50/£4, which I think is great.

4. Bomber Jacket:
I absolutely love my Bomber Jacket, mine was £45 from River Island and it is honestly one of the best jackets I've ever bought. I think I mainly love it for the fact that it has pockets in it, that actually fit my phone in well, as my phone is quite wide and fitting it into things is hard. It also goes with everything, then again black goes with everything so...

5.Zoella Sweet Inspirations Body Mist
I don't use body mists, mainly because I can never be bothered, but ever since I have had this I have actually been making a effort to use them. It has the nicest smell and I love sweet smelling sprays, so for me, this is heaven, it also is quite suttle, it isn't an in your face smell, it isn't strong, but you can smell it, hence why I love it!

My Favourite Youtubers from July:
ThatcherJoe (Joe Sugg)
I am always going on about him, his content is the funniest thing that without a doubt ALWAYS makes me laugh, he is always so positive and upbeat and always put 100% into everything he does. I always look forward to his upload day and always watch and he deserves every subscriber he has, and gets in the future.

I LOVE her, her content is always the best thing and I always look forward to her uploads, I love her vlogs and the fact that she has been vlogging a lot more recently! I don't have much to say about her really, apart from I LOVE her!

Eve Bennett
Eve is honestly one of the most down the earth youtubers I watch, she doesn't pretend to be happy or feel ok, she is honest and tells us that we aren't all perfect, Eve uploaded a few weeks ago a video called its ok not to feel okay, for a 16 year old she deserves all the happiness in the world.

Just Jodes
I haven't been subscribed to her for long, but I already love her channel, I loved her week of trying different makeup brands. She always has a smile on her face and interacts with her fans all the time, which I think so many youtubers don't do nowadays. As a new subscriber I don't really know much about her, but she has given me a great first impression!

So that's my favourites from last month! This is up quite late, but I post on Wednesday, so I didn't really want to put it up any earlier! Sorry! Anyways I hope you enjoyed remember to check me out on Twitter and maybe soon enough Snapchat (*winks*)!

Twitter: @charlotteldoddx

Bye! xx

Thursday 4 August 2016

10 Facts About Me!

Hey! Welcome to my blog! As you can tell my name is Charlotte! To get to know me better I am going to be telling you 10 facts about me!:

1. I am 13 years old and my birthday is on the 25th June.

2. I have ombre hair, but my natural hair colour is dirty blonde, but I hated it!

3. I have 1 sibling, a 10 year old brother!

4. I am generally quite a nice person, but I can be horrible and very shy!

5. I am obsessed with Youtube and when I mean obsessed, I mean, obsessed!

6. I worry about things a lot! I can't help it!

7. I love Autumn, I just love it..

8. My favourite thing ever is sleep, like who doesn't like sleep? And food of course.

9. I have always wanted a Pug and still do.

10. I am very forgetful, hence why remembering to actually write blog posts may be hard for me to actually remember!

I hope you now know me a bit better! If you want to follow me on twitter my username is:

That's all for now! See you soon!

Charlotte xx