Wednesday 17 August 2016

Back to School Tips!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog, today we are going to be talking about school, (well I am anyways).
I have another 3 weeks off yet, but that doesn't mean I am not prepared for school, because let me tell you, I definitely am! Anyways here are some of my tips and tricks for going back to school!

1. Don't be that annoying person that comes into school, with no stationary whatsoever, I hate these people, that literally think I am going to give you a pen, like no. Because chances are you're not going to get that pen back, if you are one of them people, get supplies! Basically what you should take from this is don't be that annoying no supplies person.

2. Don't stress, the one thing that I need to learn not to do, I am the most stressy person ever, anything goes wrong at school, I will literally make it into a bigger situation that it is, when in reality it isn't, so try your best and not stress, this is coming from someone that is basically a stress head, but yeah. lol

3. Don't care about what anyone else thinks, especially if you're in high school, it is one of the places that you are most likely going to get judged, it isn't easy to feel confident at first, but you know what, who cares what bag you have or how short your hair is? You may not feel confident about it first and you may get judged, get weird looks, or get spoken about, but people will get over it, they're clearly jealous and lets be honest, if you're not confident in high school, then people will continuously think it's ok to be unkind to you.

4. Relax, don't constantly feel on edge, it's ok to get an answer wrong, if you've left something at home, it isn't the end of the world, you can fix it, tell you're teacher, unless you're like me and make up an excuse, which you shouldn't do! Because it doesn't get you anywhere....

5. Enjoy school! It sounds the most stupid thing ever, but just enjoy it! I can guarantee when you leave school, you will say to someone how much you want to go back to your school days and how you wished you enjoyed them, you only get school once, don't not enjoy it, because you will regret it, trust me on this one.

Anyways, I hope at least you took one of these tips into consideration and try and go by them! If none of them have helped you , I'm sorry! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Also posts many not be as frequent as I have a lot going on at the minute, so one week you could have a post Wednesday and then the next week you could have one on Saturday, it all depends.

Social Medias:
Twitter: @charlotteldoddx
Snapchat: It's coming, don't worry! (That's not my username btw!)

See you next week, bye! x

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