Sunday 4 September 2016

Back To School Tag!

Hey welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be doing the Back to School Tag, I have seen this going around recently so I thought I would give it a go, lets get started!

1. What year are you going into?
I am going into Year 9.

2. What are you excited/nervous for this year?
I am excited for a new school year, nervous for choosing my GCSE options.

3.Whats your favourite part of getting ready for back to school?
Buying new supplies, it makes me want to do my work with all my new things.

4.What year were you in when you started wearing makeup to school?
Start/middle of year 8.

5. Where or from whom do you like getting inspiration for back to school trends & styles?
Normally Youtube or my friends, sometimes I don't really follow them though.

6.Where do you like to go shopping for BTS Supplies?
WHSmith, Tesco, anywhere that sells nice supplies really.

7. Backpack or Tote Bag?
Backpack, I find them loads easier.

8. 3 non Beauty Essesntials?
Earphones, Chewing Gum, Money.

9. 3 Beauty Essentials
Concealer, Lip Balm, Hand Cream.

10. Go to hairstyle?
Pony tail.

That's it! I found this of someone else's blog so I take NO credit for this! I didn't use all the questions and I put some questions in my own words.
This is going to be my last post for a while as school starts in a few days and I can tell you that I am not going to have much time, so I can't say that I will see you next week as I don't know whether I will.

Anyways I will see you soon (Hopefully)!

Twitter: @charlotteldoddx

Bye! xxx